Thursday, April 9, 2009

Semana Santa and Semana de Pascua--Holy Week and Easter Week.

It is eerily quiet. Earlier posts have mentioned the church bells and fireworks. No more. Until Sunday. We can hear nothing but the birds and traffic is very light.

NB: Daniele just reminded me that the story in Belgium is that the bells all go to Rome on Thursday and come back on Sunday full of eggs and candy! Hey, makes as much sense as a rabbit bringing them!

Here is a link to an excellent short article that explains the traditions of Holy and Easter Weeks in general, and in Mexico specifically. It’s an interesting read.

Late afternoon as it cooled down we went back to Cholula. This time we went over to the bigger cathedral and found that Mass was well underway and was packed. There were actually 2 in progress. There had to be 1,000 people there. It was moving to see all age groups participating and, in many cases, sitting or standing in a haphazard manner yet actively and vociferously participating in the responses from the congregation. Here are some pictures of the church.

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We then went to the square or Zocalo. It was considerably more active than other day since it now contained a zillion stalls selling food and junque. The fragrance from the various cooking stalls was overwhelming and made us starve. While we had dinner we were again amazed at the family emphasis here. Entire families were walking and laughing together. Over and over we saw young adult men taking their aged mother/grandmother arm in arm around the Zocalo. Here are some shots of the food area….everything looked absolutely delicious and we found Churros!

 Churros Ordering Churros on the Oil Churros in the Sugar DSC00028 A drink of some kind..Twirlling the StirrerFood Everywhre Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

1 comment:

Barbara Jacksier said...

Here it's more like matzoh balls and brisket. SInce he's now unemployed, Fwed came home to visit for a week. He always asks about you guys and says he misses Danielle's amazing waffles.